Thursday, May 28, 2009

Its over..........

Another great Parade has past. Thanks to the 30 Men, Women, Children, Young Adults , and Dogs who participated!! Wow thats a diverse group of beer drinking, crazy bike riding people! We had no crashes and ran over no little candy grabing fingers. Although I heard Paul ran into the Truck with the Pizza bike. We'll put some more pics on the website and Facebook soon. One upcoming night ride in Chardon this Friday ( 7:30 Mountian Run Station, call 440-279-0374)) and it's on to all the events and rides in June. Look for our Chagrin Single Speed Ride, Sunday in June, and more road and mountain ride. Summer cycling is here!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It's Coming!!!..............

Thats right it's almost Parade time. The Chagrin Falls Blossom Time Parade is this Sunday at 2:00pm. Chardon will have normal business hours, Chagrin Will be open from 12-1 and 4:30 to 5 for any quick needs. If you would like to ride in the parade contact Or feel free to stop by the shop from 11:30 -1:00 for Beers and Food on us. Come join the Madness of 20,000 people and kids, and lots of kids! and remember it's not just a ride down the block, it's a ride back up the hill! What type of bikes will we be on?......long crusiers, pizza bikes, 3 wheeled recumbents, tall bikes, highwheelers, plus all the regulars!

Friday, May 8, 2009

American Brain Tumor Association bike trip from Reading Pa. To Chicago Il.

When you open the doors to your store in the morning you never know who or what will
walk into your store. Last April 16 Barry Noss rolled up to our store in Chardon
with a bike problem. I could tell he was on a cross country trip. He asked if we fixed bikes and when we answered yes a look of relief came over his face. While working on his bike he told us where he was biking from and his final destanation.
The most important was why he was doing this 900 mile bike trip. Barry's wife Gina,
is a survier of a brain tumor that was diagnosed back in 1996. Barry was showing his support for her and helping to support the American Brain Tumor Association. Please check out Barry's Facebook page to learn more about his trip. You will find a link to his page from the Mountain Road Cycles facebook page. Here is a sample of his stories
"I reached a sign that said, "Welcome to Ohio". Took some pictures and headed out. It ends up most of the pictures at the sign I deleted with out realizing so I need to go back some time to get more. I made it to Andover, OH and I got back on route six. It wasn't long and I heard a bang on my bike. Stopped to see what was wrong and noticed that I broke a spoke, again. Decided to try to nurse it thirty miles to the bike shop. Made it fifteen miles and I heard another bang. I knew what it was right away, a second spoke. I decided I was pushing my luck, so I had to find a place to pull over. I caught with the mail lady who was in front of me and asked her for a bike shop that was nearby, she just laughed. I was in the middle of nowhere. Next I asked her if there was a convenient store nearby with a parking lot. Luckily I only had to go a few blocks and there was a BP Station. First I need to thank Ed and the Bicycle Barn for making sure I had the correct tools and making sure I knew how to repair these spokes. Believe it or not it went pretty good. I got them both fixed, I got the tire put back on and I didn't have any extra parts which was a good thing. I had some people watching what I was doing. They were amazed that I had the parts with me, and the tools to fix it. My goal now was to make it to Chardon and the bike shop. Things went good and I made it to the shop alright. I was a little nervous how I was going to be treated walking in and wanting service right away. When I walked in the first thing I looked for was if they serviced bikes. I saw that they did and knew I was in luck. I told them my story, and they couldn't have done more for me. They helped me unpack my bike and they started working on it right away. He replaced six spokes that were damaged, and trued the rim up. It ends up I couldn't have gone to a better place, these guys knew what they were doing. I asked them about my route through Cleveland and they gave me some advise on the best way to get through. They looked over my bike and found a few things that needed straightened out and did it. They told me where the motel was and that they would be in the shop until if I wanted to come back and hang out that I should. I ended up finding my motel room and getting something to eat. I walked back up to town and back to the bike shop just to shoot the breeze a little bit. Once again the guys and the Mountain Road Cycles made me feel right at home. They gave me some good advice and wished me luck. I feel a whole lot more confident going through Cleveland tomorrow knowing that these guys worked on my bike. Went back to the room and did my normal organization of gear and making phone calls. The weather was beautiful today, not a cloud in the sky and a high of about sixty degrees. Expect the same weather tomorrow. I'm pretty excited and nervous about going through Cleveland, it should be exciting getting up to Lake Erie. Well, time for bed, it will be a busy day tomorrow. Rode about 58 miles today. Expect to do about 90 miles tomorrow".

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Mountain Road Cycles will be putting on a singlespeed/fixed gear bike ride on Saturday, June 13th at 6:45p.m. The course will be roughly around 10-12 miles and we will be riding around the Chagrin Falls area. The ride will start at Mountain Road Cycles ( Chagrin Location) and end up at Trifles Cafe for some after ride refreshments. We will be having another singlespeed/fixed gear bike ride at our Chardon location in the fall. Check back for info on that ride. So come and join us and have some fun riding around the lovely Chagrin Falls area. (This ride is for singlespeed and fixed gear bikes only. No gear bikes allowed, sorry).

Maybe Cleveland should take note

Great artical on Cycling and Cities

In any list of the best biking cities on the continent, Portland, Oregon, would certainly come out on top (with some cries of foul from San Francisco cyclists). But there are plenty of other North American cities where people move on pedal power. And in the wake of the 2008 spike in gas prices and boom in bike sales, municipal governments are attempting to make things easier for riders. We’ve measured everything from the League of American Bicyclists’ comprehensive Bicycle Friendly Community ratings to the frequency of informal street races to bring you snapshots of seven places where the gears are turning. (A glossary of terms–including the dangerous races called alley cats—is listed at the end of this article.)